General Information

Full Name Muyan Jiang
Date of Birth 4th April 2000
Languages English, Chinese, Arabic(amatuer)


  • 2022-2027(expected)
    PhD in Industrial Engineering & Operations Research (designated emphasis in Computational Precision Health)
    University of California, Berkeley
    • GPA: 3.925/4.0
  • 2018-2022
    Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Computer Science
    New York University, Abu Dhabi
    • GPA: 3.97/4.0


  • 2021
    Software Engineering Intern
    Microsoft’s Software Technology Center of Asia
    • Developed a sport news multilabeling model for Bing’s downstream ranking system, for use during Tokyo Olympics, using graphical knowledge databases and structured neural networks with 100ms latency and 90%+ accuracy
  • 2019-2022
    Undergraduate Researcher
    New York University, Abu Dhabi
    • See details in CV.

Honors and Awards

  • 2018
    • Full scholarship from NYU Abu Dhabi
  • 2022
    • Departmental fellowship from UC Berkeley

Academic Interests

  • Operations Research
    • Data-driven decision making
    • Optimization theory
    • RL in OR
  • Pure Mathematics
    • Operator theory
    • Lie (super)algebra

Other Interests

  • Who am I: radical football fan, enthusiastic foodie, poem lover, zealous traveler.