Muyan (Jimmy) Jiang

UC Berkeley’s Industrial Engineering and Operations Research | New York University Abu Dhabi


4141 Etcheverry Hall

University of California

Berkeley, California 94720-1777

My name is Muyan Jiang. I am a PhD student at UC Berkeley’s Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (advisor: Anil Aswani) with a designated emphasis in Computational Precision Health (advisor: Maya Petersen).

I completed my undergraduate in New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, with a double major in Mathematics and Computer Sciences.

My education was in a global liberal arts school where I have studied in many places including Abu Dhabi, New York, Turkey, Bulgaria, Sri Lanka, etc. I have taken classes from various disciplines including Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Economy, Astronomy, Biology, Political Sciences, Arabic Language, Photography, etc.

My current research interests lie in the area of personalized data-driven decision-making with applications mostly in healthcare systems, utilizing mathematical modeling and optimization techniques. I aim to develop interpretable machine learning and statistical models for precision interventions using non/semi-parametric representation of time series data.

More broadly speaking, I have experience in research at the intersection of mathematics and computer science. I am generally interested in data science, decision-making, optimization, causal inference, operations research, machine learning/deep learning, etc.

Please refer to my publications page for details. I am familiar with Python, C/C++, C#, Scope, R, Mathematica, SQL, Julia and many other DL/ML frameworks or platforms.

For a recent resume, click here.

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May 30, 2022 Graduated from New York University Abu Dhabi.
Apr 6, 2022 Accepted IEOR PhD offer at UC Berkeley :sparkles:
Dec 28, 2021 Started building this website.

Selected Publications

  1. Spec. Matrices.
    On some reciprocal matrices with elliptical components of their Kippenhahn curves
    Muyan Jiang, and Ilya M. Spitkovsky
    Special Matrices, 2022
  2. Sci. Rep.
    A new threshold reveals the uncertainty about the effect of school opening on diffusion of Covid-19
    Alberto Gandolfi, Andrea Aspri, Elena Beretta, and 2 more authors
    Feb 2022
  3. OaM
    Numerical Ranges of Some Foguel Operators
    Muyan Jiang, and Ilya M. Spitkovsky
    Feb 2022
  4. ICRA
    Automating Vascular Shunt Insertion with the dVRK Surgical Robot
    Karthik Dharmarajan, Will Panitch, Muyan Jiang, and 7 more authors
    ICRA 2023, Feb 2022